Tuesday, September 15, 2009

AdwareAlert vs Ad-Protect which one should i purchase?

I have so much adware and spyware and viruses and I can't get them off no matter what I do, so I am about to buy either of these defense programs but I dont know which, the site for adwarealert is just adwarealert.com , and adprotect is just adprotect.com so if you have one of these programs, or have heard of either, tell me which is good enough to spend however much money on buying it. thanks very much

AdwareAlert vs Ad-Protect which one should i purchase?norton ghost

For viruses, Avast (avast.com) works great, updates daily, and is free.

For Ad ware: Get Spybot: Search %26 Destroy, and AdAware (do a Google search). Both are free and both do the job. You should get updates every couple of weeks. There might be an auto-update function, but I haven't noticed it.

Also: Get 'Crap Cleaner' (ccleaner.com)--it is also free and cleans all the gunk out of your registry and system. If you use these products you will have few, if any, problems.

AdwareAlert vs Ad-Protect which one should i purchase?software

Have a look here.
Use Adaware , and Spybot Search %26 Destroy. These are regularly seen as the best, and they are free too.

Windows Defender is a very good solution, and is free on legal copies of XP.
why spend money when the free versions of AdAware SE, Spybot and Windows defender can get rid of all these problems,...windows defender has to be downloaded from the windows update site but the other two can be found easily at download.com

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