I read that you can use a modified HOST file in winXP to block lots of ads and unwanted network traffic to adware/spyware sites, etc. The link I saw for such a HOSTS file was www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/
What does everyone think? I would love to block unwanted ad traffic and also potential spyware sites and parasites.
HOSTS file on windows XP?free antivirus
The next time you get a pop up, see what address it comes from. Add that domain name (i.e. google.com, msn.com, myspace.com) to the hosts file and point it to
Or, ping disney.com, and use that IP to redirect it to.
Imagine someone going to an adult site, only to have disney.com come up?! Hilarity ensues...
Click start, run, and type %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. (include the trailing period, windows will then ask what application to open it with, select notepad.
Type the IP address, hit tab, and enter the domain name.
Enter each one on a separate line, then save the file.
HOSTS file on windows XP?internet
The hosts file can be used to block a web site using this format sitename.domain
HostsBlocker 2 can be downloaded from
Actually, the hosts file is to keep people from browsing into certain IP addresses and send them somewhere else. I use this method in order to block certain people's kids from myspace when they're not smart enough to use a proxy. You don't really "block spyware/adware" sites. It's just to keep you from browsing into them. You can edit the hosts file yourself with msword.
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